Service stations require a unique combination of brightly lit consumer appeal and operational safety. Poorly lit fill-up areas, flickering old fluorescent bulbs or burnt out bulbs can directly impact sales, as well as the safety (both real and perceived) for customers and staff alike. LED’s not only provide sharp, dependable illumination for both the pumps and convenience store areas, but they provide considerable cost savings.
With service stations needing lights on around the clock, the dependability and energy savings of a LED solution can make a huge difference. Sharp, warm and evenly distributed LED lights can provide reliable performance lasting over 100,000 hours and use substantially less energy, leading to tremendous long-term savings and no worries about replacing frequently burnt out bulbs. Plus, better light equals more customers and higher safety.
Let us light the way to long term power savings and a customer-attracting business for years down the road with our expert LED solutions.
Contact us for personal estimates and inquiries.