Exterior and Parking Lots Exterior lighting can mean more than locating your car at night, or even improving safety and security. Insight LED Lighting consultants know how the newest LED technologies can improve those core requirements while also highlighting landscaping features and improving how visitors and customers view the entire facility. LED lights are exceptionally resistant to shock, vibrations and exposure to weather, wind, rain, even vandalism, making them perfect for exterior use. And our custom LED solutions ensure that bright, even illumination is directed downwards or only where it’s needed, reducing outdoor light pollution. An LED replacement makes your exterior areas even ‘greener’ with tremendous power savings and none of the ecological impact of traditional outdoor lighting products. Insight LED Lighting’s experts will show you how to reduce glare and eliminate dangerous dark spots from burnt out bulbs, enjoy dramatic efficiency and maintenance savings, leverage incentives and rebates so the conversion is amazingly affordable, and make your parking areas even more safe and secure.